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Cindy Bemis/Cynthia Trapani Update - circulating emails

San Bernardino County: Cindy Bemis/Cynthia Trapani Update...Please Cross Post

I contacted San Bernadino County Animal Control this morning.  Their telephone number is: 909-887-8055.

I spoke to a Field Officer who provided the following information: 

  • Only sick and injured animals were confiscated from the El Mirage property on 4/7/06.
  • Bemis has been charged with animal cruelty and operating a kennel without a license.
  • It is the agency's intention to prosecute.

I furnished the field officer with a description of Ivan and his Avid microchip number in the event that he enters the San Bernadino County facility.  I do not know how many sick and injured animals were seized, but I did offer to help with those that could be saved.  This information should soon be in hands of Doug Smith, The San Bernadino Animal Health Inspector.  I will try to reach him on Monday.

I am hoping that the rest of the rescue community will also offer to help these animals.  The Program Manager in San Bernadino County is Brian Cronin.  I received Smith and Cronin's direct telephone numbers on the condition that I not release these, but will do so, if they so allow.

I urge the Animal Welfare Community to express its support of this action by San Bernadino Animal Control.  They seemed unaware of the efforts of responsible rescuers to shut down this hoarder and stop her from "rescuing" shelter animals into conditions of starvation, abuse, and neglect.

Please let San Bernadino County Animal Control know that ...

  1. you support this action, and 
  2. to communicate their concerns about Bemis to Kern County Animal Control in an effort to motivate them to take similar action,
  3. to notify every public shelter in the State to cease releasing animals to Bemis or any agent acting on her behalf.

We should be supporting standards of custodial and veterinary care that apply to every approved rescue organization.

Please distribute this message to anyone within the Animal Welfare Community who may be of assistance.

Many thanks, Cynthia, Vet Assist, San Diego, CA, cstarkovsky @  (remove 2 spaces before emailing)

Posted on April 8, 2006

County Animal Control investigating rescue kennel with 60 dogs
Thursday, March 23, 2006, By TRACIE TROHA Staff Writer

EL MIRAGE — It has only been two weeks since Cheri Horton's new neighbors moved in, but already the mother of three small children is ready for them to leave.

The problems involves at least 60 dogs that are being kept in kennels behind the neighbors' home.

Horton's neighbors, Cindy Bemis and an unidentified man, claim to be operating a rescue kennel for abandoned dogs. Yet, according to Horton and others, the dogs appear to be unhealthy and some of them are allowed to run loose.

"There are at least 25 dogs running loose," Horton said. "I can't let my kids go outside because I'm afraid of what the dogs will do."

Horton said the loose dogs, some of which appear to have mange, have been fighting with her own dogs and hanging around her property.

Bemis declined to comment for this story. (Full story...)

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